Our Vision
The SLR region has a population of 165,000. It has been home to a number of incoming productions such as Dark Lies the Island, Jimmy's Hall, Calvary as well as locally generated productions from the likes of Studio Meala (animation for Nickelodeon), Bandit Films Netflix shows Black Ice and Hubert Butler and Leitrim based Marian Quinn (Janey Pictures) productions 32A and Twig.
We are working in the region to delivery access to equipment and provide a range of professional development and training interventions. These are aimed at building the capacity of practitioners in the region to participate fully in the national and in the international film, tv and animation sectors.
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Creative Heartlands >
Film Equipment Hire
The Creative Heartlands project is committed to improving the infrastructure for filmmaking in the Sligo, Leitrim, Roscommon Region. We have invested in three professional editing suites which are located to promote access region-wide:
• King House, Boyle. Contact Patricia Golden PGolden@roscommoncoco.ie
• Northside Community Centre, Sligo Contact Sinéad Dolan northside@gmail.com
• The Glens Centre, Manorhamilton Contact Johnny Gogan creativeheartlandsfilm@gmail.com
In addition, a comprehensive kit encompassing shooting, grip and sound recording needs has been acquired and is managed from the Creative Heartland Film Office in The Glens Centre, Manorhamilton contact creativeheartlandsfilm@gmail.com 0863173075
For a full list see our brochure