The Leitrim Design House is a not-for-profit organisation committed to supporting the development and success of designers, makers and artists working in Ireland. Funded by Pobal and LEO, The Leitrim Design House is an innovative centre of excellence providing the ideal platform for small creative businesses to achieve economic growth.
In the Making was a programme run by The Leitrim Design House in September and October, 2018. The programme was a great opportunity for Leitrim makers to;
- Develop promotional materials to enhance both their own brand and the Leitrim brand.
- Build their relationship with The Leitrim Design House
- Get greater priority within the craft gallery
- Raise their profile and increase income strands
- Build their relationship with customers

In the Making contained three strands: a Business Development Programme, a Photo Shoot and Video Shoot.
1. Business Development Programme: Marketing for Makers
- Research & development including defining target markets.
- Pricing strategy.
- Routes to market including key principles of online trading, other retail options and how to attract retail buyers.
- Promotion strategy including story development, media relations, writing press releases, preparing for a photoshoot, using social media, creating engaging consumer events.
2. Photo Shoot
This was an opportunity for makers to take part in a professional photo shoot with highly regarded photographer Brian Farrell. Each participant received edited portrait shots for their own promotional use and for use by the Leitrim Design House at their points of display.
3. Video Shoot
Short online videos are now recognised as the fasted path to raise an artist's profile locally, nationally and internationally and is a promotional tool which has the greatest longevity and impact. Each participant received a 1 minute professionally edited video capturing the process behind their craft, shot on location in the makers own studio or creative space. These videos highlighted the immense labour, meticulous craftsmanship and love that goes into making each piece. The aim being: to generate greater awareness, add value and understanding about the products while helping to bridge the gap between customer and maker.
There was an application process to secure a place on this business course aimed at creative enterprises. Applicants were shortlisted having provided a profile statement, CV, images of current work and any other relevant
information such as details of any residencies, grants, awards and prizes achieved.

This programme, particularly the studio shoots were a huge success. The videos were made available for the maker to use as they wish. They were also shown in various outlets including social media platforms, The Leitrim Design House website and also in store in The Leitrim Design House craft gallery. The videos have such longevity and are being enjoyed by customers in store and online and will continue to reach audiences far and wide around the world. In the Making continues to be a really beneficial investment for everyone involved.