Dave McLoughlin began his pottery career in 1987, studying Ceramics at Dun Laoghaire College of Art and Design. Following this, he combined his love for ceramics and travel, working in ten potteries across Ireland, Canada, and Scotland, where he honed his skills as a potter and ceramic artist. In 1996, he established his own studio at Benbulben Pottery in Rathcormac, County Sligo, working full-time until 2008 and part-time since then.
His work is influenced by both classical and contemporary ceramic forms, where "aesthetic beauty and functionality combine." Figurative ceramics have always been a key part of his practice, exploring themes of humor and the human condition through sculptural pieces, including his well-known smoking angels.

In recent years, Dave has focused on social commentary pieces, addressing themes of justice, climate change, politics, and equality, a natural extension of his career in social care. His work is ever-evolving, as he continues to explore new themes and techniques. Over the years, he has worked with oxidation, reduction, raku, and pit firings, embracing constant change as an essential part of his creative process. As he puts it, "This constant change is at the core of my work as the ceramics evolve, as does the person."
See a collection of his work instore with us.